Sunday, July 1, 2007

London is VERY expensive

Economic theory be damned- Purchasing Power Parity does NOT hold! A Starbucks coffee does not cost the same amount in USD as it does in GBP. Sure, the nominal price is the same—my $1.99 coffee now costs £1.99—but once you account for the currency translation it’s really $4.00. And everything is like that- not just coffee. Month long subway pass? $80 in the US, £80 in London – that’s $160 dollars!!!
I paid roughly $5 for one egg and two pieces of toast at the local cafĂ©. For lunch I went to Garfunkel’s, the London equivalent of Friday’s, and paid $32 for a salmon burger with steamed veggies. God only knows what dinner costs at a decent restaurant! Considering that my £37.00 per diem is supposed to cover all meals and transportation, I’m foreseeing a lot of cereal in my future.

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